NOTE: Since its beginning, the Youth & Peace Conference has been a collaborative undertaking involving a diverse collection of organizations and individuals in the Tucson community. These “partners” are crucial for the ongoing success and sustainability of the conference. The Culture of Peace Alliance provides the nonprofit status for the Youth & Peace Conference and is responsible for calling the various partners together each year to start the planning process.
The Center for Community Mediation and Facilitation
The Center for Community Mediation and Facilitation has been helping Southern Arizonans talk about challenging issues in a skilled, civil, and respectful way for over 43 years. The Center has partnered each year with the Youth & Peace Conference since it began in 2011, to provide dialogue circle training for youth and adults to become Dialogue Facilitators and organize dialogue circles so the voices of all Youth & Peace Conference participants are heard regarding the central theme of the conference.
Community Forums & Dialogue events – The Center expertly facilitates dialogue processes for large Community Forums and small topic-centered groups, empowering respectful and productive discussions in which all voices are heard.
Community Mediation - Highly trained, skilled, and certified volunteer community mediators conduct confidential mediation processes in which they help people in conflict communicate and design their own solutions – safely, with respect, and without going to court.
Strategic Planning & Facilitation – The Center uses highly interactive methods that fully engage all members of the organization, board of directors, department, coalition or special project to set priorities, focus energy, allocate resources, identify obstacles and determine achievable actions.
Training for individuals, families, and professionals - Gain and enhance skills through our interactive workshops on conflict management, conflict resolution, dialogue facilitation, effective communication, and running productive meetings. Virtual and in person trainings offered. All trainings are customizable to Spanish language.
Contact Catherine Tornbom, catherine@centercmf.org to let us support you and your organization
Child & Family Resources
At Child & Family Resources, nothing is more important to us than healthy, happy children. We believe that educated parents and a wealth of resources are crucial to a child’s success, confidence, and development. Our team is committed to offering accessible programming to the community.
Prevention Programs for Youth are free and voluntary programs designed to teach parents, guardians, caregivers and youth how to navigate the world in a safe and healthy way. This is provided through a series of programs for ages 5 – adulthood. These programs include Prevention Programs for Youth, Substance Misuse Prevention Programs, Sexual Risk Avoidance Education and our brand-new Youth Mentoring Program.
Website: www.childfamilyresources.org/prevention
Contact: empoweringyouth@cfraz.org

University of Arizona, Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW)
The Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW) was founded in 1979 as a regional research and resource institute. SIROW’s region includes Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Wyoming, and northwestern Mexico. SIROW’s mission is to develop, conduct, and disseminate collaborative outreach, education, intervention, and research projects of importance to diverse groups. Faculty, staff and students work locally, nationally and internationally with numerous University of Arizona colleges and departments, other institutions of higher education, K-12 schools, Native American tribes, governmental agencies and community-based organizations. SIROW’s projects focus on health and wellness, legal issues, education, employment, women’s history, and the arts.
Website: https://sirow.arizona.edu/
Contact: Courtney Waters, cwaters2@arizona.edu

Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF)
The Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF) formed in 1997 as the result of a merger of three Tucson-based AIDS service organizations. In November 2014, SAAF acquired Wingspan, Southern Arizona’s LGBT Community Center. SAAF’s mission is “to promote health, well-being, and social justice for those living with HIV, LGBTQ+ individuals, and communities marginalized by society.” Collectively, through its predecessor agencies, SAAF has served the community for more than 30 years by providing services to enhance the health and quality of life for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS and to assist people in preventing HIV, Substance Abuse, Hepatitis C, and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). SAAF continually works to meet the needs of the LGBTQ+ community and focuses on evidence-based prevention programs to reach at-risk populations.”
Contact - Main Address: 375 S Euclid Ave, Tucson AZ 85719
Phone: 520-628-7223 or 800-771-9054 (toll free); Fax: 520-628-7222
University of Arizona Health Sciences Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Health Sciences Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion works to increase diversity in the health sciences to promote health for all people in Arizona and beyond. We support diversity and inclusion efforts at each of our UAHS colleges for students, faculty, and staff as well as initiate, coordinate and evaluate new programs to create a comprehensive network of diversity and inclusion initiatives.
Website: https://diversity.uahs.arizona.edu/
Contact: Jeff Mace, Manager of Recruitment/Retention, jmace@arizona.edu
Culture of Peace Alliance (COPA)
The Culture of Peace Alliance (COPA) operates as a nonprofit umbrella organization for affiliated & fiscally sponsored groups and programs that work to build peace, empower youth, and create a cultural shift towards compassion, nonviolence, civility, and sustainability in Tucson and beyond. COPA provides 501(c)(3) coverage for these groups and networking that builds the synergy of working cooperatively with diverse organizations. COPA is the fiscal sponsor for Tucson Youth & Peace and its Annual Youth & Peace Conference (EIN 86-0707194). COPA welcomes groups who need nonprofit coverage and don’t wish to go it alone. DONATIONS & VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED!
Contact: 520-991-6781 or 520-490-1165

Pima Community College
Pima Community College is a comprehensive two-year institution serving students and employers throughout Pima County in Arizona and beyond. We welcome everyone striving to achieve a better life for themselves, their families and their communities. Students have access to a broad range of high quality programs that prepare them with the skills needed by today’s employers and to transfer successfully into four-year programs. Students benefit from Pima’s lower tuition costs and thrive at the highest levels once they transfer.
Pima is in rapid transition to a high-tech institution serving the needs of our region’s growing aerospace, defense and healthcare industries. Developing Centers for Excellence in key areas such as Applied Technology, Information Technology and Health Professions, Pima is focused on strengthening partnerships and expanding employer engagement in order to ensure that today’s students are prepared now and for many years to come.
Have a general question or don't know who to contact? We're happy to help!
Call us at 520.206.4500 (toll-free: 1.800.860.PIMA)
Send email to infocenter@pima.edu

Arizona Complete Health: Individualized Approaches to Arizona Healthcare
Arizona Complete Health builds upon a tradition of excellence started by Health Net of Arizona and Cenpatico Integrated Care. Health Net of Arizona was founded in Tucson in 1981 as Intergroup of Arizona, and has a proud history of serving Arizonans statewide through Medicare Advantage, employer-based coverage, Marketplace and AHCCCS. Cenpatico Integrated Care began serving Arizonans in 2005, with a special focus on improving access to community-based behavioral health services and emphasizing person-centered, whole health care for individuals.
Arizona Complete Health has a commitment to improving the health of the community one individual at a time through affordable and reliable health care plans. We do this through our focus on the individual, whole health and local involvement.
Focus on individuals. We believe treating people with kindness, respect and dignity empowers healthy decisions and that healthier individuals create more vibrant families and communities.
Whole health. We believe in treating the whole person, not just the physical body.
Active local involvement. We believe local partnerships enable meaningful, accessible healthcare.
Contact Info: www.AzCompletehealth.com
Greg Taylor, Regional Vice President, Community Affairs - GRTAYLOR@azcompletehealth.com

Pima County Public Library
For more than 100 years, Pima County Public Library has been here for people just like you.
Today, in our libraries, online, or out in the community, our dedicated staff and volunteers are here to help you find what you're looking for. Every day we're making our mission a reality by educating, connecting, and inspiring people.
Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, the Library provides services across 9,200 square miles, including Tucson and the surrounding communities of Arivaca, Green Valley, Sahuarita, South Tucson, Ajo, Marana, Oro Valley, and Catalina.
The Library provides a wide range of free services that contribute to the economic development of the community.
Website: www.library.pima.gov
Contact: Infoline 520-791-4010
Contact: Matt Landon matt.landon@pima.gov

Pima County Superintendent of Schools Office
The Pima County School Superintendent's Office promotes educational excellence through leadership, service, and collaboration. We believe all students can succeed and we invite all stakeholders to join our mission. The elected Pima County School Superintendent is Dustin J. Williams, a native Tucsonan and educator for more than 20 years. For more information about how we are supporting educators, students, and schools, please visit our website schools.pima.gov .
Contact: Jeanette Velasquez, Special Staff Assistant to Pima County Schools Superintendent, 520-724-8453, Jeanette.velaquez@pima.gov

PAXIS Institute
PAXIS Institute develops simple, proven strategies—with leading scientists and advocates—to improve education, health, wealth, and well-being internationally. These proven, low-cost strategies can also avert or prevent lifetime educational disparities, mental illnesses, poverty, poor health, suicide, violence, and addictions in communities, states or provinces, and countries around the world. PAXIS Institute trains individuals, organizations and governments how to use these proven strategies to mend historic disparities and injustices—thus, to better our world now and in the future.
PAXIS Institute presently operates in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Indigenous communities with more 80 staff. Millions of lives have been measurably benefited by the prevention science curated and made accessible for people from all walks of life by PAXIS Institute. Our name is based on the Latin word for peace, productivity, health, and happiness (PAX), coupled with the verb to be. Thus, PAX IS made by our daily actions with others.
Contact: Dr. Dennis Embry, 520-299-6770; dde@paxis.org
Emerge: Center Against Domestic Abuse
Emerge has a wide array of programs to meet the needs of people experiencing domestic abuse. This includes a 24/7/365 multilingual hotline, emergency shelter, community-based (non-residential) services, court-based advocacy, housing stabilization programs (permanent and transitional housing assistance), and child and family services. Through each program, Emerge offers core services including: risk/lethality assessment, safety planning, crisis intervention, case management, basic needs (food, clothing, hygiene items), DV education, support groups, lay-legal assistance, life-skills education, financial literacy, connections to community resources, transportation assistance, parenting education, family support services, age-appropriate services for children, etc. Emerge also provides community outreach via presentations and trainings, and operates a Men’s Education Program to help men identify and address beliefs and behaviors that create risk for their partners.
Contact: www.emergecenter.org
24/7 Multilingual Hotline = 520-795-4266
Admin number re: donations, volunteering, etc. = 520-795-8001

Veterans for Peace
We, as military veterans, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. To this end we will work with others, both nationally and internationally:
To increase public awareness of the causes and costs of war;
To restrain our governments from intervening, overtly and covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations;
To end the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons;
To seek justice for veterans and victims of war;
To abolish war as an instrument of national policy.
To achieve these goals, members of Veterans For Peace pledge to use nonviolent means and to maintain an organization that is both democratic and open with the understanding that all members are trusted to act in the best interests of the group for the larger purpose of world peace.

Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF)
The Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF) formed in 1997 as the result of a merger of three Tucson-based AIDS service organizations. In November 2014, SAAF acquired Wingspan, Southern Arizona’s LGBT Community Center. SAAF’s mission is “to promote health, well-being, and social justice for those living with HIV, LGBTQ+ individuals, and communities marginalized by society.” Collectively, through its predecessor agencies, SAAF has served the community for more than 30 years by providing services to enhance the health and quality of life for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS and to assist people in preventing HIV, Substance Abuse, Hepatitis C, and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). SAAF continually works to meet the needs of the LGBTQ+ community and focuses on evidence-based prevention programs to reach at-risk populations.”
Contact - Main Address: 375 S Euclid Ave, Tucson AZ 85719
Phone: 520-628-7223 or 800-771-9054 (toll free); Fax: 520-628-7222

Chapman Automotive
Chapman Automotive has been deeply rooted and committed to delivering the best car ownership experience possible to our local residents since 1966. We feel a great responsibility to our Southern Arizona community, which is why we are passionate about investing time and resources into the most important areas to our employees, customers, and the communities where we live and work. Here at Chapman Honda, employees make a difference in the lives of others by choice. From volunteering during our Annual Team Honda Week of Service, to hosting pet adoption events and donating to our local schools and neighborhoods, our employees take pride in helping others. Every opportunity to give back is a chance to make a difference in the community they work and live in.
Contact: Chapman Honda
4426 E. 22nd St; Tucson, AZ 85711

Pima County Health Department
The Pima County Health Department is dedicated to helping the residents of Pima County achieve and maintain an optimal level of wellness, health and safety through leadership, collaboration, and education. The Health Department and its partners are committed to embracing and promoting diversity throughout our programs. We encourage an active network of public health and safety professionals and community organizations. The Pima County Youth Violence Prevention Coalition (YVPC) is a collaboration of community members, service providers, and stakeholders dedicated to building and fostering a community for nonviolence and inclusion with youth, for youth. The YVPC goals include:
Increasing access to violence prevention tools for YVPC members who work with youth.
Promoting a shared framework for violence prevention among community partners who work with youth.
Support and sustain a youth violence prevention coalition in Pima County.