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Finding Empathy - CANCELLED as of 8/28

Our workshop will address how communities can come together, or learn from each other through empathy, by helping the individual use empathetic listening and reasoning in everyday interactions with others. Also helping the individual be a respected member of their community by being seen as an active listener, or supportive person.


Workshop presented by:

Thandi Sitole-Lesch and Rimsha Kashif, Intermountain


Empathy and Compassion. Meeting People Where They Are To Create Community

We live in a society that values the hustle. Values money above all else, and values the short-term transaction over meaningful personal interactions to build connections. What if we could change the value of success, for ourselves and our community? What if we could learn what it means to value and have compassion for a person - just because they are a person? What if we could turn our healed trauma into a strength to help others? There are loads of ways to approach community building, but knowing a few approaches that you feel comfortable with is the key. Consciously changing the way we engage with each other can flip the script from transactional to transformational.


Workshop presented by:

Jansen Azarias-Suzumoto, Higher Ground A Resource Center


Ending the Silence

We discuss facts and figures surrounding mental health conditions. We have a team of two individuals present the facts and tell their personal stories. There is time at the end for questions or comments. We provide community resources.


Workshop presented by:

Aeron Prosek, NAMI of Southern Arizona


Teen Mental Health: Are These Feelings Normal?


The assembly educates on how to implement strategies to regulate emotions and seek support for mental health challenges.

• Reduce stigma and create a safe space for youth.

• Explore mental health and self-reflection.

• Empower students to practice self-advocacy.


Workshop presented by:

Zion Givens, notMYkid


Pathways to Recovery: For Teens!

Embark on a Mind-Blowing Journey: Decode Trauma, Brain Chemistry, and Your Amazing Potential!


Ever wondered how your brain and emotions team up to create your unique story? Brace yourselves for an epic exploration that's going to blow your minds wide open!


Get ready to dive into the incredible spectrum between trauma and brain chemical magic. We're peeling back the layers to reveal how these elements dance together and influence your experiences. It's like uncovering the secrets of your very own superhero origin story!


But wait, there's a twist! We're spicing up the adventure by unraveling the mystery behind medication-assisted treatment for co-occurring disorders. Picture yourself as a mental health detective, discovering how science and medicine join forces to bring harmony to your mental universe.


And that's not all – prepare for a shockwave of insight as we explore the mind-blowing importance of body movements and physical health in the world of trauma healing. You'll learn how your body holds the key to unleashing your inner warrior and triumphing over life's challenges.


Workshop presented by:

Kara Jean Brei, CPSS, LAC, All Life Transitions Mental Health & Desert Spectrum Coalition


Teen Dating in the Digital Age

From the LoveNotes healthy relationship curriculum, this workshop talks about creating and maintaining healthy relationships online. In this lesson, participants will engage in discussion about dating in the modern world and how social media can change our perception of those we are dating. Along with this, participants will also be doing a youth-led activity that looks at setting boundaries in both friendships and romantic relationships, and how we can be more empathetic towards the boundaries that others set.


Workshop presented by:

Kennedy Van Norman and Baylee Dorsey, Child and Family Resources


Managing Stress, Anger and Other Emotions

This course will increase awareness of common transitions of young adulthood and how they can cause stress. The course will focus on how stress reduction techniques can help to cultivate resilience and how to recognize how the use of substances can undermine resilience. Youth will learn coping with stressful situations; behavioral monitoring; relaxation and stress reduction techniques for developing better coping skills.


Workshop presented by:

Dawn Rivera, Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF)


Loving Yourself From The Inside Out

During our time together we will be engaging in group activities to help get a better understanding of what self-compassion, self-love, and self care is. We will also be watching short clips to teach you more about self-compassion, self-love and self care. We will be reflecting and talking about the life you desire both in school and personally and how it is attached to self-love. The presentation will be hands-on to keep the flow of the presentation engaging and fun.


Workshop presented by:

Andres Ruiz, I Believe In Myself Leadership Coaching and Speaking, LLC &

Karen McGarrity, Portable Practical Education Preparation (PPEP) 


Coping with our Daily Stressors

This one-hour workshop shares methods that identify and analyze the physical and emotional effects that everyday stress has on the body and teaches positive coping strategies to support a healthier life. Attendees will explore methods for achieving balance and identify resources that can help manage the conflicting demands of their lives. They will learn the importance and implementation of setting boundaries, seeking support, sharing core values, and self-regulation through mindfulness. Ending with a brief breathing exercise, audiences will leave feeling refreshed and empowered.


Workshop presented by:

Leah Morales and Adriana Laigo, Pima County Health Department - Community Mental Health and Addiction


Processing Emotions Through The Arts!

In this workshop, Kate shows a short video of work she has done in the community processing traumas and discussing PTSD. She then discusses the impact trauma has on the brain and leads the group is a discussion on how the arts can help one to process emotions, cope, and promote healing. Additionally, youth will have the opportunity to engage in creating black out poems based on their own experiences.


Workshop presented by:

Kate Meyer, Community Prevention Coalition, PPEP


Take Care Of You! You Are Important Too!!

What is self-care? Discover the many ways one can practice self-care. Participants are given the opportunity to evaluate and identify their current practices. Learn practical tools and strategies to benefit your mental health, enhance your wellbeing and promote positive change.


Workshop presented by:

Kari Stewart and Courtney Larko, Arizona Youth Partnership


In Ixtli In Yolotl - The Face And Heart: Realizing One's Calling And Foundation for Life

In Ixtli In Yollotl translates to the face and the heart in the Nahuatl language. This concept is the exploration of one’s self to realize one’s qualities, characteristics, talents, and passions that when harmonized, provide the foundation for one’s life calling and contribution to humanity. In this workshop we will explore how we use Nahua concepts to connect to the world around us and to strive for self and collective wellness.


Workshop presented by:

Clarrisa Holguin and Jacob Robles, Chicanos Por La Causa - Nahui Ollin Wellness Program


Beyond Baths And Candles - Self-Care For Wellness

​In this workshop adapted from a suicide prevention curriculum, the participants will be introduced to the concepts of Sources of Strength, 8 different aspects of their lives that can increase their protective factors and prevent long term health effects, like depression, heart disease, etc. Through interactive and art activities, the students will learn that they probably already engage in activities that are good for their mental health, and will be able to recognize other areas that they can improve to balance out their support and protective factors.


Workshop presented by:

David Vargas, Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF)

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